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breeding queen


HI there,
My question is somewhat confusing.
Firstly, i have a proven stud, i recently acquired a two yr old chinchilla girl who has never previously  mated (to my knowledge). I put them together for quite some time, and they definately mated. However, she did not pink up in the three week period.still hasnt shown any signs of pinking. Does not appear to have gained weight at all, but is not calling again and is NOT interested in the stud. I put them together again thinking the mating was unsuccessful, yet she continues to swipe at him if he goes within a few feet of her at all. She is not keen to mate and it has been five and half almost six weeks since they mated. Is it possible she is pregnant and not showing the classic signs?? She is quite a slim build so she should be looking pregnant by now. THis one has me Totally confused. Any advice you can offer is much appreciated.
Kind regards Karen

Hi Karen

What a dilemma
Is she pregnant or not?
Not pinking up, no weight gain but no calling.
Question; did she actually call when you first mated her or did she just make a noise?
She may be sterile so even though she has mated with the stud, she may have decided that it has no consequence for her.

To be truly sure I would suggest a scan to test for any signs of pregnancy. It may also identify any other problems that the queen may have.

