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My cat is pregnant............


My cat Socks, is about 9months old and is in her first pregnancy. We were planning on breeding her after she was at least a year old, but when she was outside one day, I guess she met a male cat. We first suspected her pregnancy when her behavior changed and her stomach enlarged. Now you can feel movments in her stomach every couple minutes. She is about 7weeks into her pregnancy and sinse it is her first,I'm afraid something will go wrong. I've been keeping a close eye on her,but I'm still worried. PLEASE help me!

What exactly do you want help with? She is pregnant and she will deliver the kittens when she is ready. Just give her a nice, large, cardboard box in a dim, quiet spot, perhaps in your bedroom for a nursery.

The rest is up to her.

Why is she allowed outside? Why is she being bred? If you truly love your cat, she should be spayed and kept indoors so she will not get into difficulties. Most responsible pet owners realize that they should neuter their pets to prevent adding to the superfluety of street cats and unwanted cats which flood the country.

Think it over? She will be happier and you will not have to worry about her anymore.
