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behavior of cat


Hi.  Our family has had our cat for 3 years now. She is 5 years old.  We adopted her from an older couple when she was 2.  She is quite a character.  She seems to talk to me.  When she is walking through the room that I am in, I can say "hi, Muffin." and she will turn around and "meow" at me.  The more I talk to her the more she will answer me with all kinds of different meow sounds.  I have asked many of my cat loving friends and none has a cat that will talk to them like mine.  Just curious if you have experienced a cat like this?  Also, she likes to bite me when I scratch her back.  Am I petting the wrong spot or is this a sign of affection? Thanks for taking the time to read my email.  Moria Dees

I have met a number of cats who will talk to you and answer when you speak to them. They are responding to your interest and using there innate intelligence to relate to you.
You are fortunate to have a nice, intelligent cat who knows that you care for her and returns the affection.
