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pregnant cat and moving



This may be very irresponsible off me but I have a cat that has just turned 1 year, I have recently moved and was unable to take her with me so I left her with a neighbor until I was able to take her, however she is now pregnant.  She has seen the vet and he said that she has approximately 3-4 weeks left.  I am now able to take her with me but I have searched the Internet about moving cats and pregnant cats and I am now concerned about moving her whilst she is pregnant but I also don't want to leave her with the neighbor as she has 2 dogs and this would also be stressful for her when she has the kittens.  What should I do?

ANSWER: Hi Claire
You can move your pregnant cat without any problems as she is only about 5-6 weeks pregnant. If she was 8-9 weeks pregnant then I would have reservations, but right now she still has no mothering instincts on where she is planning to have the baby.
So make the move but do consider the following points please
1. Contact a new veterinarian as soon as you have her in your new place, just in case of complications during her delivery. At least the veterinarian will be familiar with her
2. Don't let her out of the house once you move, in case she is attacked by any neighbouring cats.
3. Get her to have a good look around the house and note where she seems to settle for a nap, it may make a good nesting site.
4. Make sure your new place is both cat and kitten proof, to prevent escapes.
5. Tell your friends and visitors to be careful when they move around the place and look out for the cat
I hope everything goes well


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou that is very comforting to know, but one last thing that is worrying me is that I have read that you are not to disturb their nesting place, well I have 3 young children and I am concerned that she may nest somewhere that isn't out of their reach if she does do this am I able to move her and the kittens to somewhere quieter without her rejecting them?

Hi Claire
sorry for the delay in replying to you I have been away on a clinical conference dealing with cats and am just back
If you place you queen in a quiet room when she has had the kittens and make sure she cannot get out, she will nurse them. You will also need to ensure she has fresh water every day and fresh food. If you explain to your children the importance of being quiet around the house whilst she is having her kittens and tell them if they are very good they may even get to see them after they are about 10 days old.
The room needs to be kept warm but well aired and her litter box should be cleaned every day as well.
Good luck