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feline pyoretra


QUESTION: Good day Dr

Sorry for the Sunday post but I need urgent advice.

One of my virgin queens just started her first cycle yesterday, she is 20 months old. Tonight I put her in with a proven boy, he tried to mate her a
couple of times but she rolled onto her side and back before he could get the job done (or so it seemed). She is now quite aggravated, going to
the litter tray every couple minutes but not urinating, just dribbling two or three drops of blood stained urine. I have palpated her abdomen and her
bladder is empty, her uterus feels normal but she is in pain (when I palpate her she dribbles quite a bit- also blood stained). Could this be pyometra
or something else?
Would it be okay to start her on AB so long? All I have right now is Synulox, Zithromax and Doxy. I will only be able to get her a vet appointment at 14:00 tomorrow.  

This is my first home bred girl and we love her to death.. please any advice would be appreciated!!


Sorry I missed the post. If you have not already done so take her to the vet as soon as you can. The blood may suggest a ruptured hymen, not unusual in maidens and her action is just how maidens do react to first attempts at mating. But there may be an underlying problem with her vagina. The tom may have caused her some iternal damage by his penis.

I would be very reluctant to start her on any ABs without clear advice from the vet.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Good morning,
Thank you so much for the kind reply!
It is only 7:30 in the morning here, I will take her to the vet as soon as I can get an appointment.
The ruptured hymen does make sense (never knew that it could happen).. she seems fine in all other aspects, last night she ate a plate of raw meat and this morning she had a Hills pouch. She is now again calling and waiting for the boy.

It might sound strange but it does look like the male who covered her has a bigger than normal penis and he is not the kindest well mannered boy when mating.

My cats are healthy and they only visit the vet for vaccinations, quite upsetting when something seems to be wrong.

Thank you

Hi Roelien
You could try her again but stay close and maybe help in the copulation. If he does have a large penis then she may just move away however and as she is now no longer a virgin she may be more receptive to his advances. Of course if she is receptive then she may also secreate some vaginal fluid which will make his entry less stressful and less painful for her.
