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cat pedigree


I just bought 2 extreme faced persian kittens ( male and female), and I noticed that they have himalayan in their pedigree papers from the father's side (great grandparents and great-great grandparents). Is there a chance that they can have himalayan babies when they grow up?
Also, is it safe to inbreed them when they grow up? they are siblings will that be a problem?

ANSWER: Hi Blaze
The Himalayan background may produce colour point in kittens, so if it is there it could appear in future litters

I would never recommend breeding litter mates under anything but exceptional circumstances and unfortunately this breed is not one needing this type of mating.

Did you get the cats for breeding purposes, if not you may find the breeder does not allow you to mate them at all



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes I do have breeding rights from the breeder.
do you recommend any ways to help prevent them from mating? I guess cats do inbreed if they a male doesn't find another female other than his litter mate and vise versa

If people are intent on establishing a breeding programme they usually build a stud house outside and isolate the stud away from the other cats. In order to keep him company they also acquire a neutered female. The only time he gets in contact with an entire queen is when there is to be an accompanied mating.

If the stud house is not an option then you can buy nappies for studs and keep them in the nappies whilst the queen is on heat. They cannot copulate whilst wearing the nappies so limit the chance  of having a litter

Nappies are available for large pet stores or on the internet.

I would never recommend giving a female ovarid only under veterinary advice.

I hope this helps
