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hip dysplasia;dont know what these medicines are.

18 15:58:06

my chow is 2 years old, and has been diagnosed ww/hip dysplasia, and i
dont know what rimadyl does. is it for pain? my poor puppy. he is also
taking cosequin or whatever.

Hi Heather!
Hip displasia is only successfully cured with surgery.  You may want to talk to your veterinarian about referring you to a specialist.  The younger the dog receives this surgery, the quicker and faster their recovery rate will be.
Here's some information about Cosequin:
Each Cosequin tablet consists of
Glucosamine HCL
Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate
Ascorbate (as Manganese Ascorbate)
Manganese (as Manganese Ascorbate)
Cosequin is used to treat various joint conditions including arthritis. These supplements have been shown to improve joint health and some refer to them as "joint lubricants".  
Some information on Rimadyl:
Just a heads up...At present it appears that Rimadyl will cause liver damage in some dogs.
There have been some deaths in dogs with this reaction, although I think
that the use of the word "many" is misleading. The predominant breed
affected by this reaction has been the Labrador retriever but there are
reports of other breeds being affected.
This medication is also used to relieve joint pain caused by arthritis.
These two medications are basically masking the problem.  They are relieving the pain but not improving the hip dysplasia.  As dogs with hip displasia age, the pain keeps getting worse.  I know that the surgery is an expense, but it is worth it, and will actually save you money in the long run.  If your veterinarian will refer you to a specialist to perform the surgery, the specialist may offer a payment plan.  Best of luck and please keep me posted!
I hope your baby feels much better soon!