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traveling with cats

25 10:10:07

Hello Labman,

Thanks for helping me out.  I am getting ready to move and in so doing, I have to travel 5 hours in a small car with my two cats.  Neither cat is very comfortable with cars.  Is it ever wise to sedate the cats?  I don't really know how I feel about that (someone has suggested it to me).  I am planning on using pet carriers.  However, I was wondering if you might have any suggestions for how to make their ride most comfortable?  Have you any suggestions for toileting them in that 5 hours?  What would sedating them do?

Thanks so much,


I don't know much about cats.  I tend to regard drugs as a last resort for dogs.  However I think there are products that will soothe a cat.  

Maybe the best thing on relieving them would be to open the carrier in the car and allow them to use the litter box.  Let them out of the car, and they could run off.  big problem.