Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > relocating a dog from Canada to Mozambique

relocating a dog from Canada to Mozambique

25 10:09:07


We are being transferred to Mozambique, Africa this summer and would like to take our black lab with us.  We have no information on the quarantine regulations for going to Mozambique and for coming back into Canada.  We will be living there for three years by which time, our dog will be approximately 13 years old.  We don't want him to have to spend any or alot of time in quarantine on the way back to Canada.  We have also never traveled with our dog before and know nothing about the process or how to prepare for it.  We would also love to know any information about local veterinary and kennel services in Maputo, Mozambique if possible.

Thank you for any guidance, Stephanie

Hello Stephanie,

Thank you for your inquiry!  This is quite a move and one that would be hard for me to explain in this forum.  The best thing you could do would be to contact our company and talk to one of our Africa experts.  An import permit is required for Maputo but there is no quarantine (coming or going).

One consideration will be your dog's age by the time you are done living in Maputo.  He may be frail at that time and may not be fit to fly back.  That is something that you should factor into deciding when to travel with him.

Please let me know if you have any other general questions.  For country-specific questions, please feel free to contact us directly.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
Rachel Farris