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puppy travel within EU

25 10:07:13

Can i take an 8week old puppy from switzerland to monaco, via france
without a rabies injection? I have been told that under 12 weeks it is possible
to travel within the EU (not UK) with simply the passport and a health
certificate.  Is this true?

Many thanks, Natalie

Dear Natalie
I would be willing to bet a buck or two that you would have no problem
You could probably spend a lifetime traveling all over the   EU without
ever showing petpapers. (you would to UK, Sweden, etc)
Really, your best bet is to check with your own vet, and/or vet
authorities, however.  Be sure he has his microchip and up to date
with all his other vaccinations.
Just be sure he doesn't bite anyone, at least until he gets his rabies
No one in USA could give you any better advice
Jerry Mishler