Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > travel with my pet rabbit to france or brussels from the US

travel with my pet rabbit to france or brussels from the US

25 10:07:28

I'll need to bring my pet rabbit with me to EU countries, most likely to Paris or
Brussels first.  Do i need to get him the rabies vaccination 30 days prior to the
traveling date?

I understand I'll need to provide a health certificate issued by a USDA
certified vet within 10 days of traveling but i'm not certain about the rabies
vaccination requirement.  

Thanks loads in advance.

They don't give rabies vacs to rabbits.  Your vet should have advised
you of this.
Check with the airlines you will travel own as to their policies re:
rabbit travel.  Try to take as excess baggage.
Contact the usda office closest to you for updated info.
Regards, Jerry

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for your confirmation.
Do you also know if all USDA compliant carriers are also IATA compliant? I
cannot find much information on the website and I do not want to presume
they are the same

Thanks again, Jerry.  

I'm not sure if your question pertains to the airlines, or to the
shipping kennel......
USDA doesn't have anything to do with either....
If you wonder about containers?  Only use one which has nut and bolt
connections.  Not the clip kind.  Be sure door latch is very secure
and the spring load is very tight.  Ask the airline what their
requirements are.
Regards, Jerry