Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > I want to bring my cat from Romania to CA

I want to bring my cat from Romania to CA

25 10:07:58

I would love to bring my kitty from Romania to CA. I've been trying to find out how to do that, but it's really confusing. How is the kitty gonna resist to a 17 hours trip? Should I hire a company or I can do this myself? I want to find the best way for my kitty! Thx

Bring the kitty with you on Lufthansa via Frankfurt direct to LAX or
SFO   This is the best way.  No, you do not need to hire a company
to do it.  Will only cost you unnecessary monies
For entry into USA, all you need is a health cert issued within
10 days of travel and a valid rabies vac.
There should be nothing confusing about this.....
Regards, Jerry Mishler