Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Taking my dog to Taiwan/China,Japan

Taking my dog to Taiwan/China,Japan

25 10:06:05

Hi there, I saw the question before about travelling with your dog. My little dog is about 9 lbs and im going over seas to teach English for a year. Not sure if i will end up in China, Japan or Taiwan. I heard that when you arrive your dog must stay in quarantine for like 30 days! Is that true? Also how are they kept there is it safe and nice? I would worry about him being taken care of by a total stranger for 30 days and if he's getting everything he needs. Is there a certain country i should try more for? Any help you can give me would be great!


Dear Rebecca
This is WAY toooo much for me to take on at this point.  You must
decide where you wish to work, then we can go from there....
Visit:   There are pet shippers in all the places
you mention.  Contact them for import requirements.
I can NOT make up your  mind as to work places. Sorry
Regards, Jerry Mishler