Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Dog & 2 cats travelling from Thailand to Czech Republic

Dog & 2 cats travelling from Thailand to Czech Republic

25 10:06:32

Hi, We took our english collie cross dog with us from England to Thailand 2 years ago.  He has the EU Pet Passport and while in Thailand have kept upto date with Rabies vaccinations and all other vaccinatiosn, flea & tick treatment, Heartmworm etc.  We will possibly be relocating to Prague within the next two months and want to confirm that 1.) He will avoid quarantine  on arrival due to his Pet Passport and 2. Best method of travel.  I also now have 2 thai cats gained while here.  They are microchipped, fully vaccinated and I am now getting their bloodtest done to get their EU passports too.  But I fear time will run out before the tests are back.  Would they be able to enter CZ without pet passports.  They are indoor cats.

Dear Suzanne
Hope this helps...  There is only one way of travel and that is by
air.  Makes NO difference if pets are indoor or outdoor pets
Highly recommend you contact following firm in Prague.  They can best
answer all your questions.  Pet shippers in USA and elsewhere will be
of no value and will only take your money
Please let me know how this works or if you need additional advice
Regards, Jerry Mishler