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Between USA and Canada

25 10:06:08

What are the rules concerning taking dogs into Canada from the US on vacation - say on a road trip? Many thanks

Should be no problem.  Should have at least domestic health cert
issued within 10 days of travel to Canada and a valid rabies vac cert
If you had the aphis 7001 international h.c. would look more official
You would not need this endorsed by usda.
How long will you be in Canada?
Would be excellent idea to show paperwork to both U.S. customs and
Canadian customs as you cross over from USA.  Ask them if this
paperwork will be sufficient for return to USA
Dogs should be current on ALL vacs.  Though not required, I still
highly recommend microchips.
If you are in Canada for sometime, you might be required to get
a new h.c. just before leaving Canada.
Hope this helps
Regards, Jerry Mishler