Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Taking my 3 yr old cat to Italy from Turkey

Taking my 3 yr old cat to Italy from Turkey

25 10:05:00

Dear Jerry

I will be transferring rather quickly from Istanbul Turkey to Milan Italy.  I have a three year beautiful turkish cat, she has had every vaccination under the sun, she is also desexed and we have a booklet from our vet showing all vaccinations etc.

Can you tell me the procedures to bring her with us, will there be a quarantine period or not?

Would appreciate your advice and help.

Kind regards

Kathy Sartorel

Dear Kathy
I am sure you will need following: microchip   rabies vac at least 30 days old and less than 1 yr
Also, blood test and a wait of 3 mos before travel from Turkey to an EU country.
I don't think there is quarantine available.
I urge you to contact:    in order to get true up to date facts
Regards, Jerry