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Flying Vs. Driving

25 10:10:19

Dear *Patt*,

I'm relocating from NJ to Dallas, TX and I will be taking my beloved Choc Lab named Godiva with me.  She is 2 years old and very energetic.  I am totally stressed out about how to transport her.  I have the option to have her fly with me in cargo or she can drive down w/ 2 of my best friends.  I dont know which one is the lesser evil.  I've heard some terrible stories about flying pets so that makes me very nervous.  Should I have her fly where she'll be terrified for about 4 hours or should I have my friends take her in the car for over 20 hours?  If she goes with my friends, I know she'll be cared for properly but she'll be in for a LONG trip.  She'll be antsy to get out of the car but she wont be terrified like she would be on a plane but its such a long drive.  If she flies, she'll be terrified but at least it'll be around 4 hours.  I dont know what to do.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Sherleen

FLight the dog, less stressful than driving a hiper dog. I have flown many small puppies all over the states with huge success using U.s. Air and Delt, Amercian.  I prefer U.S. Air.
The horrow stores are long gone, the airlines have very strict rules now.  Do not drug the dog for it needs to see and hear all from one hundred per cent to be less fearful.  The only thing is it noisey.  But, healty little puppie smake it from Frankfurt, Germany and mine all over from Ca to Fl.
She will take the flight better than u, but a crate large size at, they are on sale, make sure its airline approved, practice putting her inside it before hand.  Pet and hug her, give her a treat inside it.
also place something of your in the crate for the flight, absorbant material, shredded paper or towel.  She will be fine trust me.

Kind Regards
visit my site, see puppies I have flown on litters