Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Relocating my 14 month english bulldog

Relocating my 14 month english bulldog

25 10:05:57

I want to bring my bulldog from NYC to Costa Rica since we have been working more from CR. and I cannot fly her. What other options do I have? I am concerned about driving, not convinced it is the best options. Are there boats or any aircraft that would allow her to fly next to me? This would be a one-way trip for her. Any help is appreciated. We are planning on next jan or feb. 2010. Thanks!

I am in Washington DC area so really not in a good position to assist
you.  As you can tell from my website, I have this thing about
3rd party pet shippers.  They can do NOTHING you can not do for
yourself, but they can certainly take your money.
Much better to deal with someone who can have hands on care for your
pet.  You certainly do have some issues here.
Probably the best person to assist and advise you will be:
Angela at   
Good luck and do let me know how this works out for you.  If I can
be of any further assistance, please advise
Sinerely, Jerry Mishler