Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Send puppy from UK to Switzerland or Italy

Send puppy from UK to Switzerland or Italy

25 10:06:06

Can you please tell if a puppy under the age of three months can travel from UK to Switzerland or Italy without Rabies and what other requirements are needed. The puppy wont be travelling back to UK

Dealing with EU can be a bit of a problem at times.  Some will allow
pet in who is too young for rabies vac.
Best I can offer is you contact the Italian and Swiss embassies or
consulates there in UK.  Also contact DEFRA in UK.  There is a link
to them from p.4 of my website.
Also, you can visit:   There are members both in
Switzerland and Italy who can advise.
Probably should be no problem since you will leave from UK
But do check these out
Regards, Jerry Mishler