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dog from USA to UK

25 10:05:55

Does the dog need a blood test 6 months before flying? How much does it cost to get a rabies shot, microchip and Vet's certificate? (Are the costs standard or depending on the vet?)
What's the best airline to chose?

YES.  The dog must have a blood test and wait 180 days.  All the info
you need, you can get from DEFRA right there in UK.  There is a link
from p.4 of my website.
Costs?  Varies from vet to vet.
There is only a handful of airlines you can use.
British Air, Virgin Atlantic and Continental are your best bets.
Prices vary.  
You can opt to have the dog spend 6 mos in quarantine in UK.  Again
DEFRA has the info for this