Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Taking pet from Thailand to Spain

Taking pet from Thailand to Spain

25 10:09:11

I want to move to either Spain or Italy and have small poodle that I want to take with me. What are the procedures for this? What do I have to do?

Dear Barbara
I am in the USA.  You should NOT be relying on a pet shipper in USA
for assistance.
Simply contact the Spanish and/or Italian embassy or consulate near
you.  They will advise you.
You will need: a health cert issued within 10 days of travel.
A rabies vac at least 30 days old and less than one year.
A EU form 998 bi-lingual to show microchip and rabies info.
Now, You probably will need blood lab work done and wait 3 months.
This is NOT required from USA, but is required from most other
countries where rabies is not considered under control.  I think
Thailand is one of these countries, but am not sure!!!
Hope this helps.
The more you can do yourself, the less expensive.
Sincerely, Jerry Mishler