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transporting a cat from Iraq to USA

25 10:04:57

I want to transport my cat from Iraq to the USA and I want to know the best route to take.  I know if I go through UAE I have to have an import license (200 dirham) but I don't know if I have to have an Export license (only passing through)?  I also know the cat must be transported as Cargo from Iraq to UAE.  But I believe the cat can go as carry-on when traveling from the UAE to the USA (pet friendly airlines).  I am willing to take the easiest route for my cat and understand there will be a cost associated with each airline for allowing her in the passenger compartment and/or cargo compartment.  I am aware of the required vaccinations/micro chip to bring the cat into UAE as well as the USA.
What I need to know is am I required to get the export license from UAE?
Is there a better or easier route for my cat when transporting her from Iraq to the USA?

Microchip is NOT required for entry into USA.  Only a health cert issued within 10 days of
travel and a valid rabies.
You would have a mess of a time going thru UAE and Qatar
By far your best choice would be Turkish Air via Istanbul to New York.  Same airline all the
way.  Taking cat as excess baggage certainly would be best.  Much cheaper and would clear
customs with you.
If you visit    check the pet shippers in Dubai and Doha for updated info
There is also a pet shipper in Turkey, but I shouldn't think you would need to use them.
Since Turkey is not a member of EU you would not need to meet their requirements.
You could take cat as ex bag via Frankfurt or Amsterdam but would need to change airlines
and it might be that you would need to meet EU requirements which would mean microchip
blood test for titre value and a wait of 3 mos.  Going via Turkey seems to be the way as I see
it.  Be sure to let me know how this works out.  Very interesting
Regards, Jerry Mishler