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Dwarf Gouramis dorsal fin almost gone!!

23 14:36:35

I have a 29 gallon tank with 1 two-inch-long sail-fin Plecostomus, 1 small catfish, 2 neon tetras, 3 diamond tetras, 5 zebra danios, and 1 Dwarf Fire Gourami.  I also have some live plants and a couple tiny snails.

I have this little castle ornament in my tank and I think my gourami was stuck in it!  Anyway, I lifted the castle up so he could swim out but then I noticed almost his entire dorsal fin was missing!  He also has a little white spot just past his head.  He is acting fairly normal.  I'm pretty sure he is not being picked on, because he is the biggest fish in the tank, but I don't think it's fin rot because none of the other fish in the tank have short/missing fins.  Do you know what is wrong and how I can help my gourami?

Thanks a bunch!


Hi Quin,
 It is possible that he damaged it while getting stuck in the castle.  Damaged fins can grow back.  The soft parts grow back fairly easily, but the hard parts (the spines) often don't grow back, or don't grow back properly.  

-- Ron
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