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long-living fish?

23 12:02:25

i just lost my 3 month old beta fish. he was sick for a week, and i guess it's better that he's not miserable anymore. i was wondering if there is a fish that lives longer than that, but doesn't get sick often. also, i cannot afford a large tank. what fish can live a long healthy life in a 3 gallon tank, other than a betta (i loved my betta but im just wondering if there is a fish that usually lives longer than that)?
-rachel :)

All fish live for at least 2 years, there is no such thing as a fish that lives a full lifespan less than two years.

However in that size tank nothing will live a full lifespan. Bettas normally live for 3-5 years.

If you can't afford a large tank get out of fishkeeping..or get on welfare.

It costs less $40 to set up a 10g tank, if you can't afford that I don't know what to tell you. Maybe get a job or something.