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Lovebird disease

22 18:00:23

I found a lovebird in the road on a very cold night 5 days ago I borrowed a cage and bought some food for it and have tried to find its owner but without success He is quite shy quiet and has a bald head and neck he keeps closing his eyes but is eating well were can I find vetenary help without having to pay a fortune as I am unemployed due to ill health myself ?

Hi, Annette.  Thanks for posting!

If the bird's head and neck are bald, then another bird  overpreened/plucked his feathers out because the bird can't reach these areas itself.  Closing of eyes like you describe could mean the bird is s/he drinking well?  If not, you need to get water (Pedialyte for human babies works good) into this bird ASAP.   

I can't help you find a cheap bird veterinarian.  Visit this website for information on possible vets in your area, but what they charge I have no  You'll have to make phone calls on your own.  Most animal vets will allow you to make payments if you make arrangements in advance, especially if you are financially strapped.  You'll need to find an exotic animal vet, not a cat/dog vet.  

This bird is most likely very stressed out from his/her ordeal, not to mention the fact that s/he could be lost/separated from a prior family and possibly a mate (the overpreening would indicate this is possible), which adds more stress.  S/he could have also become ill from being outside.  Keep him/her warm, well fed and watered, etc.  It's a good idea to get s/he to an avian vet for a memdical evaluation.  However, it's possible the bird could fully recover without veterinary assistance once it gets past the stress, gets to know you and your home better, gets some rest, etc.  This bird has been through a big ordeal in terms of a bird's life.

You are a very special person for taking this parrot in.  S/he would have died by now if you hadn't found this bird.
