Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > hoof sizes

hoof sizes

20 17:11:22

QUESTION: How can i find hoof sizes of thoroughbreds?

         Thanks Happy Go Lucky


SORRY for the delay...was out of state working when I received this.

As far as sizes for ANY racing horse of any breed, they are completely contrary to standard
steel and aluminum shoes.

Very small= #3...small=#4...average=#5...large & up=#6&7

Unlike standard shoes...#000 very small,#00 small,#0 average, #2,3,large and on up.

Hope that answers your request !!

Best To You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was actually looking for a method of finding the hoof sizes of
particular thoroughbreds that will be running for the roses.Joe Ridell ran an article in The Handicappers Edge many years ago that indicated that Twin Spires had a hankering for horses with large hoof sizes.

Would appreciate any info about this.Thank you much.Happy Go Lucky.


I've worked off and on in Kentucky and California tracks since 1978.

UNLESS YOU know a trainer...That would be hard pressed to know or find out,for that

Many trainers who run in Washington state and tracks in the Northeast ( Saratoga,Aqueduct
and such) where muddy tracks are common; like bigger hooved horses. Called "mudders",
they stay on top of the track surface and do better !! Of course as farriers/platers, shoes
are changed often with & without traction according to the weather and horse.

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.