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Horse shoes

20 17:11:57

My Quarter horse has shoes on his front and it almost been 3 months since our farrier has been by to trim them . Should I be concerned ? Should I get another Farrier? Tim


Three months IS a long time. Most as you probably already know,should be trimmed/shod every
5/6 wks. in warm weather and 6/7/8 wks. in colder weather. Hooves grow slower during shorter
days and colder weather.
Naturally, nutrition is the "key" to more %26 faster growth, but weather has alot to do with growth.

The shoes, if you are not trying to "protect or correct" something, should be at least pulled and hooves trimmed. Long toes and possible heels being crushed because of excessive length is
"bad medicine".

If your farrier has a history of NOT showing up or doesn't seem to keep you and your horse's
well-being as a priority...then maybe you should look for someone who cares ??!!
Being a blacksmith/farrier is a BUSINESS and should be treated as such. It is not a hobby or
pastime to get horses and owners out of a "jam".

It is a Science and Art and should be respected !!

Best to You...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.