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making our own hoof packing

20 17:11:55

hi Gwenyth i am an 18 yr veteran of the nypd mounted unit and i was scrolling the web trying to find so information on hoof packing. up to recently we were using forshner's packing, but we have a hard time getting it. we been told it's on back order or it's just not available. we have been using the packing at end of our weekly tours of duty. the officers would pack all four hooves, and then remove it when they would come back to work after there days off. would you have any recommendations on a recipe using bowie clay as a hoof packing.also what else would you add to the mixture to make it comparable. your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

I'm sorry Peter -- I don't have an answer for you. I've never used hoof packings. I approach hoof health from the inside out - in other words, along with correct trimming of the hooves I make sure the horses get proper nutrition, adequate movement (which, I understand is difficult for a situation like yours. No turnout 24/7), stimulating social life (herd turnout), etc.  

I wish I could be of more help to you.
