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odd growth at the band

20 17:12:32


Hector club foot
Hello,and thanks in advance for any and all comment suggestion. Hector is a 15 month old appendix Quarter Horse, I just had him adjusted and trimmed (He due for another trim on the 1st. Down go the heel more) What is going on at the top of the hoof? I just massaged him with oil so the ring is more pronounced, But this growth or whatever just started. Thank You Kevin

Hi Kevin .. what you're seeing is the "Periople" ... a thin membrane covering. That is normal. What concerns me more is the shape of the hoof and the balance/imbalance. A young hoof really needs to be honed carefully ... I've found the BEST trimming for youngsters is self-trimming when turned out 24/7 on hard, solid ground. My 5 year old PMU has had just 6 trims in her lifetime ... other than that she's worn her hooves "naturally" as she's always been turned out and able to run and play and move around extensively.  I also see much stronger and healthier hooves on adult horses who were allowed to 'be horses' as youngsters - turnout, movement, forage diet, etc. Movement is ESSENTIAL to the development of hooves. Movement is essential to the general well being of all horses and hooves. They're designed to move. So the more turnout for your youngster, the better. And, working on getting the heels down so that hoof can develop more normally. :)
