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Stubborn mare with feet

20 17:12:49

Hi  my mare knows how to pick up her feet. When I first got her she picked up all her feet with easy and held them for me. now its impossible to have her hold it up for me long enough to clean them with out her pulling away and or start actn like im going to kill her!!  this is really annoying and Ive tried using the old trick of "not doing as asked,  no attention"  and she loves her attention.  can you help me before I wind up hurt by a mare again!!


Hi Stephanie!  I apologize for the delay in my reply to you. Was a busy, busy week on the road.

Have you heard of Clicker Training?  I find this to be a TREMENDOUS aid in changing horses' minds! :)  It makes things FUN! And clarifies your request plus motivates the horse to WANT to try again!The essential part of this is to be extremely exact with your timing. In other words, when your mare starts (yes, just starts) to lift a hoof, "mark" that behavior with some sort of audible, unique sound. A mechanical clicker, the sound of "X" or a quick "Good!", even a "tongue click" ... just something unique and clear sounding. You want to "mark" the try ... the slightest indication of lifting the hoof, then reward ... one Cheerio, or 2 tiny pieces of grain .. something very small. Then repeat your request, again, "marking" the exact instant of the behavior (the EXACT instant of the horse just giving any tiny bit to lifting the hoof) and reward again. (This, btw, is done after you've taught your horse to associate a wee treat with your verbal "marker" by simply marking/treat, marking/treat, marking/treat. It only takes a few minutes before the horse will react to the marker sound and look for a treat! Then you'll probably have to teach the horse to back up several steps (mark the backing steps and reward them) so you don't get "mugged" for treats!) ... after the horse is 100% compliant in "giving" the try ask for more "lift" to the hoof. Instead of marking just a little leaning off the hoof, now wait until the horse actually LIFTS the hoof and mark the exact LIFTING then reward. Again, timing is everything. You've got to mark the behavior right at the INSTANT (as the horse is LIFTING)of the behavior. This marks the exact moment for the horse for clarification.

There is going to be a FREE teleseminar on Clicker Training next Sunday, March 23rd at 8 pm Eastern Time. If you'd like to learn more I encourage you to listen in. Leslie Pavlich, author of Clicker Training: Colt Starting the Natural Horse" will be teaching this seminar and I think you'd greatly benefit from it!  Again, email to me privately, if you'd like, for more information or go to for the info.

Hope this helps. I work CT with difficult horses ... horses who have reared and flipped over on farriers or otherwise fought to have their hooves done ... with awesome results. I know it will work for you!

:) -- Gwen