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bell boots

20 17:11:59

How should bell boots fit, and can you keep them on all the time?  My mare just sliced her coronary band because I don't turn her out in her bell boots because they rub her raw on the back of her pasterns.  She's a TB, but 16.2 so I have her in large bell boots.

HELLO HEATHER...THANKS FOR YOUR QUESTION... can leave bell-boots/overreach boots on all the time especially when they are turned out. Naturally you would check them more often in wet weather. Mud and debris CAN
accumulate and rub the pastern and coronary band raw.

Bell-boots should fit loose for added protection. Usually, IF they fit tight, they won't come down far enough to protect the back of the hoof and IF shod, many times will pull a shoe
off or loose. I see too many that look like an "ankle bracelet" and are only ornamental for protection. You SHOULDN'T see the rear of the hoof, down to the ground , if they fit properly.

I might suggest if the cut/wound is messy or draining, you can use a great product from Farnum
"Wonder Dust" and no proud flesh will appear and it will dry and heal it really nicely !!
Once healed, they make bellboots out of different materials (I like the soft rubber) you could
wrap the hairline with a couple of turns of vet wrap and that would help greatly. Just a thought.

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.