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Corrective shoeing on a racing Standardbred

20 17:12:05

I have a Standardbred that swings both front legs (from the knee down) up and inward with the foot hitting the opposite knee.  He is a pacer and is shoed with full swedge and grabs up front and is level.  He hits even when in the straightway and in the turns he is crushing those knees.  He is a fast horse and I just need to get him off those knees.  We had one years ago that I thought the farrier at the time lowered the inside of the fronts and added a half pad on the outside of the front.  What do you think?  Thanks for any suggestion.  Deb


In my 37 yrs. I've worked on 4 Standardbreds with lameness. All successfully.
I think your question would be better served by someone who has more experience shoeing
trotters and pacers on a day to day basis.

My practice is orthopedics,lameness and veterinary farriery. The "discipline" needed to help a motion problem may or not be changed with just "changing angles" of the front limbs.

There is always a "possibility" of joint problems later and a short athletic career.

Thanks again for asking and Best to You !!

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.