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white legged horses - shoes

20 17:11:26

hello, do white legged horses need to shod for racing? are white hooves softer than black hooves?


As far as "white-legged", neither here nor there, as far as shoeing the animal.
Usually, white legs or white sox or stockings will generally have white hooves.

There has been a "philosophy" for ever that white hoof horses are inferior to that of a
dark hoof horse !!
NOTHING is farther from the Truth !!

Because the white hoof is alittle more "translucent" to sunlight; it CAN and WILL dry out
quicker, tend to get more water-logged & soft. Which in time can cause cracks and splits
Many times, that is why shoes are recommended to prevent or temporarily protect the hoof
capsule. Shoeing is NOT always necessary. Trimming and shaping the hooves every few weeks
till the problem goes away works well !!

Thanks Again...Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.