Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > Do you have to shoe Tennessee Walkers to trail ride?

Do you have to shoe Tennessee Walkers to trail ride?

20 17:12:08

Hello.  We have 2 Tennessee Walker Geldings and right now they are not shoed.  They have never really been out on trails and we were wondering if we decide to take them out do we have to shoe them?  (Up to now the have only ridden in a soft arena.)


I shoe for "two reasons"...Protection or Correction. The rest is
just add-ons.

In the Spring/Summer, I'd keep them trimmed every 5/6 weeks. This is the time they grow faster and because of Spring rains,high humidity,
and long dry Summers they can chip,crack and take a beating.

Fall/Winter the hooves grow slower, horses produce more hair for warmth and slow down as far as growth. Trimming 6/8 weeks will usually be fine.

The ONLY THING you MAY find is if you travel alot of roads and rough
terrain, they "could" get sole tender. That is where a qualified farrier can at least "half-shoe" (shoe the fronts and trim the backs)
It would save money over a "full shoeing" and support the front hooves from soreness...just a thought.

Best to You ...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.