Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > lameness


20 17:11:58


I have a 13 year old paint mare who has been partially lame in her right front leg for 2 mos. To make a very long story short, we took her to the vet, a nerve block was done to the hoof, and it was determined that her hoof was the problem. The vet did xrays, and a radiolucency was seen in the medial aspect of her hoof...I'm told this is the heel area.  She has no swelling,hotness...etc. We soaked and soaked in epsom salts for 2 weeks, twice a day and applied DMSO with cortisone.  No abscess surfaced. During this time, she got shod (hadn't been shod all summer and was fine) and had the fancy pads put on.  She is still off.  Our farrier is puzzled also. She does not show pain with the hoof testers. The only other thing the vet said was that she was flat footed...hence the front shoes and pads. The vet is beginning to think that it is something else, but wouldn't she be off even after the nerve block to her hoof?  The vet said the radiolucency was a sign of a stone bruise turning into an abscess. We are very frustrated.  I feel that she is just guessing now.  Help!

                  Thank you so much for your time!


These are the kind of cases that 'separate the men from the boys" as they say !!

Thank you for being thorough and descriptive !!  Without being too your vet
experienced in tough lameness cases ? You mentioned your farrier confused/puzzled ??

Being "flat footed" is minor compared to what you are describing. Also...the medial aspect
of the hoof is the "inside of the capsule" NOT the heel area.

Cases like these I would HAVE to read the radiographs and have a "hands-on" approach, to
be honest and fair to you.
Anyone answering this question from you would ONLY be guessing and opinions come "cheap"
if you know what I mean !!

I'd want what is best for you and a VERY ACCURATE exam will have to be choice, or
this horse will not get better. Abscess' and such DON'T take months to heal and bruising
goes away. This is serious.

Would love to see how this turns out. If you are comfortable with the professionals you
have, then more tests have got to be taken. If not...a top vet and farrier needs to see this horse for your 'peace of mind" and the horses well-being.

Thank you again for including me and I wish I could help, but not right or proper from afar.

Best to you !!
Joepaul Meyers, C.J.F