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Curious about this conformation

20 17:13:00


four feet
We are looking to "acquire" this weanling draft cross (QH/Belgian).  Something doesn't quite look right with his foot angles, especially his front.  Wondering if I could get any input or critique of his conformation.

HELLO HEATHER...Thank you for your question.

Your picture is not bad...but a complete picture would be easier to evaluate. To be able to see shoulder/scapula and
over all confirmation. Being half Belgian,with many that I've seen before in my practice; and because of heavy built bodies, many seem to be alittle "upright" in the hoof and pastern the picture appears to me.

As a weanling, that's not completely unusual. With proper nutrition,they also tend to grow alittle quicker that other breeds.
I was taught a long time ago (ol'time trainers) you can evaluate "most" horses at "3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years".
Since I'm only looking at a lateral might have a veterinarian or experienced farrier that you are comfortable with, to look at the colt at all four angles,
before forming an opinion.

I could naturally be more thorough if I was looking at the colt with you.
Bottom line...what I see with the picture I have, does not look bad to me. Again, I'm ONLY looking at one view.

Hope I've been of some help.
Thank you...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.