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bleeding hooves

20 17:11:39

bleeding hooves
bleeding hooves
hi Joepaul! I have attached a photo so you can have a better idea. My horse, a paso fino 7 y/o, I took him for a ride and i noticed that he started bleeding from his hooves shortly after we started. It seems to originate from where the hands end and the hooves begin. It is a small "flow" ..he's not bleeding profusely and it stops when he stops walking. I'm very worried...what can you tell me about this. ( The bedding in his area is always dry , he's never on wet bedding) Gabriel


"LORD" !! He's not lame ?? It could be various things going on. He's shod with good length but alittle "too tight" for my concern. The "hands" as you speak of is the coronary band/periople...
the cuticle on humans where the nail begins. To be BOTH is unusual !! He could have some nails
too close to the quick(sensitive tissue) or in the quick?? which will cause a delayed lameness and progressively get worse day to day, which you WOULD have noticed before you rode.

Abscess' will open and bust out at the hair line and drain( a great thing) but NOT WITH BLOOD.
This horse should be taken to your veterinarian, shoes pulled and soaked in warm epson-salt
water for several days to help heal and draw out fluids and swelling. Also...he should be started
on anti-biotics for 7/8 days minimum.

Not knowing your situation in your area, if a vet is difficult to get to, at least do the soaking and anti-biotics for sure. Also...hours after soaking, you can put ice packs on his hooves or cool water for 10 min. sessions during the day to stop trauma and swelling.

He could??...have a secondary infection that is in his blood stream that he has picked up somehow
and eventually traveled to his hooves through veins/capillaries??
A veterinarian will know for sure. DON'T ride him till you know what is going on. You can cause laminitis/founder through stress and infection and trauma. It isn't always feed !!

You should be worried. Start now on what I've talked about and if things change let me
know !!

Thank you again...this is unusual...

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.