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Suddenly Sore After 8 Months Barefoot--Whats Wrong?

20 17:12:03

Hi, I'm assuming you won't remember me but more than a year and a half ago I took my horse Bugsy barefoot after his being diagnosed with navicular disease and he has made significant progress.

Inspired by my success, more than 8 months ago my wife took her horse Tuffy barefoot and while his feet then seemed awfully contracted, etc., he was not only sound at the time but weathered initial barefoot riding over the winter (in a nicely maintained indoor ring) without boots and continued such even after the weather warmed and she started trail riding him in boots. But most recently he's begun showing obvious signs of being tender in his front feet
and not wanting to perform as he has up to this point, and I'm wondering if you have ever experienced a similar transition--that is, for a period of time things went very well and then all of a sudden problems arose--and, if so, what seemed to be the problem and if you found a viable solution.

I always suspected Tuffy would have significant problems at some point as he was 18 years old with seriously narrow hooves and somewhat arthritic (even though totally sound) when she took this Appendix Quarter Horse barefoot. I don't have any concerns over how he's been trimmed since the same trimmer who's handled my horse has done hers and the only time we've had trimming issues was when we tried switching trimmers (which proved most problematic--but for my horse, not hers).

I can't help but wonder if it's because he may only now be starting to truly switch over to a heels-first landing and this may be a necessary part of his barefoot evolution. Does that sound reasonable? If so, please let me know. And, if not, I'd appreciate whatever insights and guidance you're able to offer!

As in the past, thanks for your help!

Hi Evan!
Of course I remember you and Bugsy!!! Its great to hear that he is doing great!
My apologies for not being able to get back to you sooner though...
I have now been pondering your issue for a while and wonder whether you have ruled out laminitis in your wife's horse. Where are you located and what is the pasture like that your wife's horse is turned out on? I presume when you say he is suddenly ouchy up front means in boots or not and if he is still ouchy even in boots I would seriously at least rule out inflammation....I can't think of anything else at this point.
Now, if he is ouchy without boots and you have very dry weather, then contracted hooves can also lead to him being uncomportably. Excessively dry hooves are not quite as elastic and can get pretty painful and concussion sensitive. Also, if you are in an area that has a lot of dew and moisture at night and then gets dry and the ground really hard during the day and you ride mostly in the morning, then the "softer hooves" over night suddenly on hard ground have had some horses be more uncomfortable...a client of mine just experienced that and miraculously after she switched to evening riding, the soreness was gone then.
So, if you can give me more info on where you live and where he is turned out on, whether he is skinny or portly, and other feed things that may have changed, would be very useful. Also, does he shed out his winter coat properly each year?

Good to hear from you and looking forward to getting addl. info from you. Hopefully I can help sort this out!
