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sore front hooves

20 17:12:03

I have two QH mares that had foals in May.  As of July both have come up quite lame in both front feet.  We live in Michigan, and they have been stomping at flies.  They are in the same pasture they have always been in. They are stalled half the day as well.  My farrier said that their soles are soft.  We put on pads and shoes on the front to help them.  Could they have foundered some how???  The only dietary change is that I increased their hay, (gradually, but nearly double to be honest.) I wanted to be sure they could keep up with the milk production and keep a healthy weight.  They never went off their feed or developed a fever that I am aware of.  The foals are fine so far.  Any ideas??  Can a horse whom never had hoof problems suddenly "develop" soft soles or flat soles after foaling??  What should I do?


Sorry for the slight delay. Out of state working on horses.

THEY CAN have hoof changes, if they don't clean well after foaling (retained placenta)or
with the added body weight they can and will break down as far as structure of the hoof capsule.

Shoes and pads are fine to get them back on the right track, but next shoeing maybe just
shoes without pads to start to toughen the soles. If they are big body or just heavy, I'd mix some iodine and water 50/50 and once a day paint their soles. A great product called
"Rickens formula" is a sole paint and will draw and toughen also. Your farrier can purchase
it through a farrier supply.

Water, access to ponds and tanks where they stand for long periods of time will weaken and
soften hooves...not a good thing. What they call "morning dew" that comes in humidity areas
will wet hooves early morning and then 11am/12 noon the sun comes on very hot and just
"fries the hoof wall" and the cracking and breaking begins.

As usual...a hoof supplement once a day ALWAYS helps for good strong hooves.

Best to You...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.