Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > reaching sole of the hoof while digging

reaching sole of the hoof while digging

20 17:11:12

hello. when cleaning the horse hoof with hoof pick, how should i get to know that i reached the sole of the feet while digging in the dirt? i dont want to spoil the sole.

Hello Rohit... Thanks for your question...

Sorry for being behind answering !!  Have been working out of state.

As you are cleaning, start with the "sides" commissures of the frog, digging away
from heel to toe. As the soil, matter, falls from the sole, you will see a color change
Either grey or generally off white. Stop there. That is the calluse of the sole.
No Need to keep digging or the chance of weakening  the sole.

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers, CJF