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Detached Frog

20 17:11:57

My daughter has a 12 year old appendix horse. She was cleaning his front hoof and noticed that the frog was detached half to 3/4 of the way up the hoof. the hoof also is chalky what and flakes when rubbed. Any information you can give would be helpful.

Thank you,



No real problem. In wet country or sometimes after excessive rains, the frog/digital cushion
will literally "turn loose". It will normally exfoliated in small pieces and is not really noticed. Maybe a sliver here or there.

Have your farrier trim what's necessary or IF YOU CAN BE a pinch, you can cut whatever is loose...NO MORE...and it will be alright. You can also use a product called Kopertox
to dry and disinfect the frog. It will help it firm up and dry up.

If the sole is chalky white, that is a healthy hoof. If it's alittle chalky below the coronary band, it is a sign of excessive moisture, then dryness. Basically, one extreme to another.

Naturally, always use a conditioner when dryness is a problem. Water alone is not enough.

Best to You...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.