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barrel horse with hock fusing

20 17:11:46

My barrel horse is very powerful but has a very choppy/rough stop that causes problems when I am rating for the barrels.  I am interested in putting beginning slider shoes on his hind hooves to help him with this.  I cannot run him barefoot because his hooves are very soft and he gets stone bruises that have made him lame in the past.  Would beginning sliders help with making his runs a little smoother when he gets underneath himself to make the turn.

2nd question:
My rope horse is used for breakaway and team roping.  Would slider shoes on his hinds for breakaway make team roping harder?  Or would the traction be affected when he's pulling the steer?

Thank you.


I understand your problem. What you are calling 'beginning sliders' are usually 1/4 x3/4 flat plates. can try, it's different with every horse!! In a fairly deep arena, you would
probably be o.k. going into the barrel...but if it's hard-pan or not worked up very well, he
will lose balance and may slide on past the barrel before he can actually can rate it !??!

I prefer to use a regular creased keg shoe with a slight extension on the hinds and usually
rims on the front. IF HE uses his front end to much to stop, then keg shoes all-the-way-around.
Something else to consider. Not seeing the horse, if he's alittle straight in his hocks and hind limbs(grows alot of heel)he will have a stopping problem no matter what shoe you choose.

As far as the rope horse...I would NOT use any kind of sliders. As you know, the hind quarters
are the motor to all horses. They propel, push and drive with their hind end. Any slide or slippage can cause a fall on the turns, possible soreness in the hind muscles and hocks.
Traction would definitely be lost.

Again...for both events you are doing, you DON'T want any slippage that could cause a fall
or injury to you or your horse.

Best to You !!

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.