Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > eggbar shoes on horses

eggbar shoes on horses

20 17:11:15

bar shoe
bar shoe  
hello sir, when can i use egg bar shoe on horses?


The picture is of a "straight-bar" shoe, not an "egg-bar".

An egg-bar is used mostly for tendon problems, such as tears,swelling or general tenderness.

IT IS A TEMPORARY fix, even though some horses wear them for a long time. Problem with
long term use is you may lose the strength and structure of the heels. They can move forward and compress as I have mentioned before. friend...I have to answer questions out of my OWN kindness and generosity. I am
expected to answer them in a 24 hr period. Working Full-time and traveling hundreds of miles a day is difficult for me to answer 5/6 questions a day rapid fire !! I just cannot handle that
many...I hope You understand.

Refer to the Internet, there are so many sites & areas to read & research.
Thanks again...

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.