Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > Thrush


20 17:11:15

Are there any home remedies or alternative topical applications for treating thrush? Seems the things you can buy are either very harsh or too weak to do the job. Thanks.

Hi Kimberly.  Thank you for asking!  In short, the answer is YES! In more detail, I feel strongly about not just treating 'symptoms' but in treating the WHOLE horse. This includes topical treatments directly to the hooves (i.e. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar soaks and applications, the use of Australian Tea Tree Oil, Calendula Oil and more.) and also includes diet, husbandry, and the mental/emotional state of the horse.  

I use homeopathy, herbs as well as topical treatments. Homeopathy is based classically on the individual horse while herbs can be used to help strengthen the immune system that will, in turn, be able to do the job its intended to do and kill off any 'foreign invaders' of the body and hoof and prevent overloads of opportunistic bacterias and fungii. (Thrush, Candida)

I encourage you to do some research and seeking out for what you feel might be the best solution for your horse.

One thing I DO encourage is the addition or absolute substitution of raw, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds in place of commercial grains as well as the removal of all processed foods, supplements and the like from the horse's diet. You can read why I encourage this at > ARTICLES > Equine Healthcare and Equine Nutrition. The article "Feeding Horses" is one that lists the base fresh diet to be given once daily in lieu of processed grains.  You see that this is in addition TO feeding hay 24/7 and 24/7 turnout with grazing, if afforded. I also recommend the reading of "The Principles of Natural Healing" by Dr. Marty Goldstein. This is an excellent resource and easy read.

There are just so many other factors in a horse that is suffering from Thrush that it is impossible to simply give a curt, quick, answer here.  But again, I encourage you to do some research into the treatments I've suggested above but also do some studying on 'natural' horsekeeping.

Please feel free to contact me if you have other questions and I hope this has been somewhat helpful for you.

:) -- Gwen