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Hoof distortion

20 17:11:15

Hello, Gwen.  I am wondering if you can comment on the differences between the "Pete Ramey trim" and the ELPO trim that maps the bottom of the foot.  The ELPO trim seems so invasive to me.  I thought that Bowker and Ramey were leaning towards not trimming the bars, frogs and heels unless obviously overgrown.

My horse has been bare for 5 years (Ramey trim), but still has some hoof distortion and has discomfort when making tight turns and traveling.  It seems to be internal damage/strain rather than foot soreness because he walks comfortably over gravel, but hurts when he turns.

I am intrigued by the balance mapping on Gene's Hoofcaretoday website.  I thought that by backing up my horse's toe and beveling the hoof, it would be enough to grow out his long toe/ underrun heels.  After viewing ELPO's video on the barefoot trim protocol, I realize that if I use their system, we still have a long way to go towards hoof balance.  I would like your thoughts because the trim seemed so aggressive and contrary to what Pete Ramey and Dr. Bowker are advocating.  I do not want to ask my trimmer to make such radical changes to my horse's trim until I do more research.

What are your thoughts?  Also, where is MA are you?  I am in CT.
Thank you,

Hi there.  Well, let's see how I can best address this for you.

First, I've not seen what Pete is currently doing so can't comment on his 'trim' per se. The same for Dr. Bowker. And while the ELPO offers a protocol for trimming all I can say to that is, "it depends".  

The only true expert on the hoof balance for the individual hoof is the horse, himself. If your horse is uncomfortable and has hoof distortion then whatever 'trim' is being done is not correct for that horse at that time and/or there is a pathology that is not being addressed to suit the individual. It sounds, simply from your description of discomfort on tight corners, that your horse may be struggling with navicular issues. OTOH, yes, as you suggest, it may be soft tissue issues. Your farrier/trimmer along with your vet, should be able to correctly diagnose what is going on and come up with an appropriate care plan that is best suited for *your* horse.  

You are most welcome to visit here:  you'll see the major landmarks of a balanced hoof.  

And this article:

briefly explains a "diagonal" imbalance of which many are not even aware.

One needs to truly address the INDIVIDUAL "hoof-in-hand" on the "horse-in-hand" in order to correctly care for the hooves regardless of the named 'method'.

Hope this helps somewhat.  

Yes, I am in MA ... right at the point where MA, RI and CT all meet together. I no longer actively trim hooves but do consult with farriers, vets and owners as well as work with photo consults if you're interested. Feel free to contact me via email.

Thank you.
:) -- Gwen