Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > coffin bone

coffin bone

20 17:11:15

QUESTION: My horse( 6 yrs old)has coffin bone fracture of entensor process. I plan on trying equi bone for seveal months. Wanted to know if a certain kind of horse shoe might help? Horse is not in
pain at this time.

ANSWER: Hello Ron...Thanks for Your question...

Yes !!  I have done many of them with Success !!  I use a straight barshoe
with a rocker toe to ease breakover & tall side clips to stabilize the hoof capsule.
The "key" is to maintain any movement in the hoof till it heals !!
Be sure to shoe both front hooves to balance & comfort.

Best To You !!
Joepaul Meyers, CJF

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


    Can most ferriers do the abovementioned procedure?
If not were to i look in my area; i assume just call around.
Maintain any movement, means no movement is that right.
Thank you again for your for you help.


Hello Ron... You Need a farrier with medical/ lameness experience.
Check with your local equine vet first, then go to ""
Look for a CJF in your surrounding area. Or one of them can guide You to
A colleage. No... Not any farrier can do it & time is important !! Many P-3 //
Fractures will NOT heal because of lost time...sooner the better !!
Thank You !!