Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > flaring toes

flaring toes

20 17:13:08

Joe, I have a problem with my horse's front feet getting badly flared between shoeings. I get him shod every month, I just don't understand it. He is ridden regularly. My Farrier says it is normal to have to "dress back" the toe every shoeing. What are your thoughts. Thanks

HEY...BILL, My apology for being alittle late. I was working out-of-state and came in today.

Probably 80/90% of most saddle horses do have their "toes"/
anterior wall dressed back slightly every shoeing to keep their hooves in balance. Front/back (anterior/posterior)and
inside/outside (medial/lateral). It's not unusual...but IF
the hooves of your horse have "dropped or flat soles",
hooves will flare between trimming/shoeing intervals. It is mostly caused by concussion and pressure (loading) of the
front hooves. You will also see more of it with heavy horses and heavy front-end built horses.

Not saying your farrier...but some...will try and apply a shoe that is alittle too tight/small and rasp the wall excessively. NOT a good thing. The hoof will only continue
to flare and go back to what's "normal" for that horse.
The horse should be fitted to the "white line" of the sole.

If supplements are not being fed...they should be. NOT just
biotin either. A complete amino acid supplement. It will help "boost" your feed (no matter how good it already is)
and help to have stronger walls.

Remember...some, maybe 20% of colts/fillies are prone to flares by genetics. Also by NOT trimming them properly as
babies on a "regular schedule".

One other thing...wet conditions more than not, will cause hooves to flare and be softer than normal. The hoof will
lose it's strength and integrity. A problem for horses in the N.E./N.W. and parts of the Southern United States.

Thanks for your waiting & I hope I've helped in some way!!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.

FOLLOW UP............
Hello Marty or Bill "Gorgeous" George...

Has been a few years since I've heard you talk/lecture.
I've NEVER been intimidated by discussion with another farrier.You can safely use your "real-name"... :) :)
This is a general forum, and I give general,simple,concise
answers to many "simple problems".

I could explain how crooked limbs can cause over-loading of either laterally or medially on the hoof capsule, causes flares. And mis-management by the farriers with improper support also causes flares.
I could get alot deeper and confusing to alot of people.
I'm also not here to impress you or anyone else.
I too have spent alot in continuing education and for over 35 years also. I have been to Cincinnati and like yourself,
I go to everything I can and inter-act with fellows like you
to hear new information and to share ideas.

Glad to hear from you and will see you in the future...