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hoof disease

20 17:12:58

Hi, I just recently purchased a 4 year old QH mare. I noticed just today that she has a red spot on her hoof wall, about 1/4 inch below her cornet band. it is about 2/3 inch in diameter, but is not a perfect circle and varys in "tone" of light red. I touched her hoof and she did move her leg, but she did the same thing with the other hoof, which looks OK. i touched and tapped the spot and it did not seem to bother her. The hoof wall, and cornet seems fine temperature wise compared with the other hoof! do you have any idea what this spot could be? Do you think it is serious, and we should contact our vet? Thank you very much. I hope to hear from you soon.      Erin

Hi Erin. Without actually seeing the hoof my best guess would be that she bruised herself somehow. I wouldn't worry about it at all unless she begins to show lameness or tenderness as it grows further on down towards the ground. The hoofwall grows at a rate of about 1/4" a month so I imagine the bruise will be down close to the ground in another 6 months and at that time, unless the pressure is kept off the wall with a good bevel and roll of the wall edge, she MIGHT chip off the hoofwall at that point. Again, unless she's exhibiting any sort of lameness or tenderness, I wouldn't worry at all about it. Horses get bruises and boo-boos all the time during their play and most owners probably don't even notice.

If you have any strong concerns please do consult with your regular farrier or veterinarian.

:) -- Gwen