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Verticle Heel Crack...

20 17:11:47

Mr. Meyers, C.J.F.
I have a 25 yr. old gelding that's in great physical shape but grows hooves very slowly. he is fed grain and vitamins twice a day. He has a heel split/crack rt front and never seems to close or get better.
Any help from you would help greatly !!

Enjoy reading your comments and knowledge.


When you say vitamins, I take it as for general health and vitality. Blood builder and such.

Amino acids are the 'keys to life and proper nutrition". One such supplements that I have had success with is Horseshoer's Secret from Farnum/Phoenix, Arizona and also Hoof Rite by Dr. Jan Young, D.V.M. Cave Creek, Arizona. Both are fantastic for excelerating hoof growth and general quality of hoof capsule.
Some of the worse hoof walls I've seen and worked on have been brought back with using these two fine products !!

Also...I hope your farrier is "unloading" the crack itself and many times even just front shoes for a short period of time will make the cracks close and grow properly with the shoe protection. Taking the pressure of load and concussion off the crack is the secret to proper growth and resolving the problem.

Thanks again and it is special to have a healthy 25yr old horse !!
Best to You !!

Joepaul  Meyers,C.J.F.