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mane founder

20 17:13:16

I was told that there was a differance between mane founder and foot founder.I was told that if a horse has been foundered before it can show up in their mane.(Have a real thick ridge along their mane).When I met a new horse friend,she said there was a differance,to me,it would seem any kind of foundering leads to foot problems.Do you know the differance?Or can you find out?We kinda argued over it.I always thought that when a horse foundered it shows up in the mane.She acts like main founder sometimes doesn't effect the feet,I was told that the main was a sure sigh of having foundered before from along time horse friend,anyone know the answer?

Hi Diana
Your question has made me smile. I hope that your friend will still be your friend after I answer your question.
First lets define the word "founder" It actually means a rotation of p3 (coffin bone). This occurs when the lamina of the foot inflame due to fever, and pressure from the deep digital flexor tendon, which is attatched to the bottom of p3 causes an actual tearing away from the laminar attachment. This is a bad deal.
Mane founder is for lack of a better word a "fairy tale"
What I assume she is refering to is a founder crest. The topline of the neck has an abundance of fat deposits. Countless studies have been performed in an attempt  to find a relation between founder and a crested neck and they have not arrived at a positive conclusion. So after having said that, remember that founder occurs "only" in the feet. And most certainly a crested neck is the result of an overweight horse and in some instances a hormone imbalance in mares. Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask.